Inclusive Culture for Lifefong Learning. Book
It’s been a long journey for Allure Project. The effort was colossal, the aim worth it. Cultural inclusion as a means of lifelong learning for all is – or, at least, should be – a top class priority for all European countries. The synergies between formal instruction and cultural resources for non-formal and informal education require the latter to be widely accessible for a variety of potential users. This, of course, has been a matter of major concern for cultural institutions in western countries and, specifically, within the European Union.
We hope you can take some advantage of the lessons we have learnt, the resources we have developed and the ideas we have collected. All of them are shared in this book. Cultural inclusion is a gap we can bridge together. Join. Share. Experiment. In the end, that is the only way. There are many things you can already do, many you’ve already done (maybe without even noticing).
ALLURE team,
Link: Allure Culture. Inclusive culture for lifelong learning (PDF book; Galician / English)